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Feele GmbH & Co. KG (personally liable partner: H&A Verwaltungs GmbH)
Managing Director Alexandra Gadsch
Eichweidweg 9a
86438 Kissing


Phone: +49 176 24609769
Email: alexandra.gadsch(at)

Receiving data for e-bills:

registration in the commercial register:

Feele GmbH & Co. KG (personally liable partner: H&A Verwaltungs GmbH)
Managing Director Alexandra Gadsch

Feele GmbH & Co. KG
Sales tax identification number: DE301210001

Registration court: Augsburg
Registration number: HRA 20358
Registered office: 86438 Kissing

Personally liable partner: H&A Verwaltungs GmbH

Registration court: Augsburg
Registration number: HRB 26726
Registered office: 86438 Kissing

Conception, design, implementation and programming:

netfame GmbH
Tucholskystraße 13
10117 Berlin

Phone: 030 / 120 896 707



Feele GmbH & Co.KG assumes no liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against Feele GmbH & Co.KG, which relate to material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are fundamentally excluded if Feele GmbH & Co .KG there is no demonstrable fault of an intentional or grossly negligent nature. All offers are non-binding. Feele GmbH & Co.KG expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer or to temporarily or permanently cease publication without prior notice.


The Hamburg Regional Court decided per judgment dated May 12, 1998 that by including a link on ones page, one may also be accountable for the content included there. According to the district court, accepting this accountability can only be ruled out by expressly disassociating oneself from this content. This website contains links to other content on the Internet. The following applies to these links: We expressly emphasize that we have no influence on the design and content of the linked pages / content. We therefore hereby expressly distance ourselves from all content on all linked pages on this website. This declaration applies to all pages of this site where links or banners lead to external content.


This disclaimer of liability is to be regarded as part of the website from which reference was made to this page. If parts or individual formulations of this text do not, no longer or not completely correspond to the applicable legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their content and validity.


Feele GmbH & Co.KG endeavors to observe the copyrights of the graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts used in all publications, to use graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts it has created itself or to use license-free graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts . The copyright for published objects created by Feele GmbH & Co.KG remains solely with Feele GmbH & Co.KG. Reproduction or use of such graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express consent of Feele GmbH & Co.KG.

OS Plattform:

Online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14 Para. 1 ODR-VO: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find at Information on this can be found in Article 14 Paragraph 1 of the ODR-VO.


Information on registration with the Central Office for sales packaging that is placed on the German market: Registration number at the Central Office (Lucid): DE1929058096283-V Duales System Germany “Der Grüne Punkt” Supplier and manufacturer of our products: Alpine Naturprodukte GmbH For further information please contact us at info(at)